Top 15 Must-Try Sakes: Selections from a Sake Sommelier Who Drinks Year-Round

In the world of wine, the variety of grape can give you a hint of the flavor to expect. However, sake, Japan's iconic rice wine, presents a unique challenge: the variety of rice used doesn't directly translate to its taste. The flavor of sake is a complex combination of factors, including the type of water, yeast, koji mold, the brewer's philosophy, fermentation techniques, and even the local climate, all contributing to its nuanced taste profiles. The more you drink and learn about sake, the deeper you fall in love with its complecated depth and charm. So, what do I(Tomomi Seki), a sake sommelier who is addicted to sake 360 days a year, consider the truly delicious sakes that everyone should try at least once? From rare finds to those more readily available, here are the sakes that every aficionado should seek out.

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  • pouring sake into a glass

My Sake Journey

It's been over a decade since I fell head over heels for sake. At that time, I was reconsidering my diet with a focus on health, preparing meals rich in natural broths. As an alcohol enthusiast, I wondered which drinks would best complement the delicate flavors of my dishes, leading me to discover sake. 

I still vividly remember my first encounter with "Juyondai(十四代)." It was unlike any sake I had known: fruity, with a smooth texture that made me acutely aware of the diversity and depth of sake. This led me to explore various labels on my own, visiting sake bars and experiencing the joy of discovering new flavors with each drink. Learning about the brewers at tastings and through books, I found the stories behind the sake as compelling as the flavors themselves, and I was hooked.

The 15 Sakes You Must Try

1. Hiroki Special Junmai (飛露喜 特別純米, Hiroki brewery, Fukushima Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★★

Hiroki Brewery was at the forefront of the sake revolution over two decades ago, turning what was once avoided for its alcohol scent into a beloved, fruity sensation. Its sweet, fruity aroma and refined sweetness and umami, which is pleasant savory taste, continue to impress both novices and experts alike.

2. Jikon Special Junmai Hiire (而今 特別純米 火入れ, Kiyashou sake brewery, Mie Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★★

"Jikon" is now a premium sake known for its difficulty to obtain. Its refreshing, fruity scent could make you forget it's made from rice, with a silky texture that makes it incredibly drinkable. It's highly recommended to try a glass at a restaurant if you can.

3. Juyondai Honmaru (十四代 本丸, Takagi Shuzo, Yamagata Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★★★

"Juyondai" is a name known even to those not familiar with sake, famous both in Japan and internationally. With a policy focused on production, it seldom appears in the media or at events, making it somewhat of a mystery. "Juyondai" sakes are perfectly balanced, akin to a fruit that dissolves in your mouth.

4. Mimurosugi Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki (みむろ杉 純米吟醸 山田錦, Imanishi Syuzou, Nara Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

Representing Nara Prefecture, this brand is part of a brewery situated near Japan's oldest shrine, Omiwa Shrine, and plays a significant role in the history of sake. It's recommended for its refreshing sweetness and just the right amount of acidity.

5. Toyo Bijin Jundo Ichizu (東洋美人 醇道一途, Sumikawa Sake Brewing, Yamaguchi Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

Inspired by a visit to "Juyondai" during his student days, the brewery’s behind for brand of "Toyo Bijin". Once made headlines when its "Junmai Daiginjo Ichiban Matoi(東洋美人 純米大吟醸 一番纏 )" was served to international guests by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, earning widespread acclaim.

6. Banshu Ikkon Shippo Junmai Nama (播州一献 七宝 純米 生, Sanyohai Shuzo, Hyogo Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

Located in Hyogo Prefecture, known for its sake rice, "Banshu Ikko" focuses on local rice varieties. Unique in its bottling process, it uses gravity to ensure the freshest state of sake, resulting in a vibrant, juicy taste that surprises and delights.

7. Kaze no Mori Akitsuho 507 (風の森 秋津穂 507, Yucho Shuzo, Nara Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

For those new to sake, "Kaze no Mori" could be the perfect introduction. Utilizing hard well water rare in Japan, its brewing method is distinct, offering a crisp, pear-like aroma and refreshing carbonation.

8. Denshu Special Junmai (田酒 特別純米, Nishida Sake brewery, Aomori Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

A legend in the sake world, "Denshu" continues to lead with its pure rice sakes. Its "Special Junmai" features a complex mix of flavors that embodies the robust power of rice, making it a coveted choice among sake enthusiasts.

9. Sharaku Junmai Ginjo (写楽 純米吟醸, Miyaizumi Meijo, Fukushima Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★★

Once you try "Sharaku," with its modest fruit-like aroma and smooth sweetness, you'll be captivated. It offers various limited editions throughout the year, but starting with the year-round "Junmai Ginjo" is recommended.

10. Nabeshima Junmai Ginjo New Moon Nama (鍋島 純米吟醸 New Moon 生酒, Fukuchiyo shuzo, Saga Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

With a green apple scent and subtle tropical fruit flavors, "Nabeshima" offers an exquisite balance. It has been awarded the Champion Sake at the International Wine Challenge (IWC) 2011, solidifying its exceptional quality.

11. Ugo no Tsuki Special Junmai Jusanya (雨後の月 特別純米 十三夜, Aihara Shuzo, Hiroshima Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★

"Ugo no Tsuki" impresses with its effortlessly delicious taste, often leaving you surprised at how quickly your glass empties. This low-alcohol sake achieves a perfect balance, offering a soft, smooth drinking experience.

12. Dassai Junmai Daiginjo Migaki Sanwari Kyubu (獺祭 純米大吟醸 磨き三割九分, Asahi Shuzo,Yamaguchi Prefecture) - Rarity: ★

"Dassai" is well known, even among those less familiar with the sake industry. Although manufacturing using advanced machinery may lead to misunderstandings, the brewery meticulously accumulates fermentation data to craft its sake, ensuring a consistent, high-quality product with a melon fragrance and fruity sweetness.

13. Fukuju Junmai Ginjo (福寿 純米吟醸, Kobe Shushinkan Breweries, Hyogo Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★

From the sake-rich region of Hyogo Prefecture, "Fukuju" gained worldwide attention when it was served at official events following the Nobel Prize in Chemistry award to Mr. Akira Yoshino in 2019. Its ripe peach aroma and smooth, rich rice flavor make it a globally admired sake.

14. Katsuyama Ken (勝山 献, Katsuyama Shuzo, Miyagi Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★

As the official sake supplier to the Sendai Date clan,  this brewery's sakes convey a sense of elegance and commitment. Its fresh pineapple and lychee aroma, coupled with the clean taste of Yamadanishiki rice, showcases the brewery's dedication to quality.

15. AKABU Junmai Ginjo Aiyama (AKABU純米吟醸 愛山, Akabu Shuzo, Iwate Prefecture) - Rarity: ★★★

The young and innovative brewer behind the "AKABU" brand has quickly gained recognition for the rapid evolution of their sake quality. The "Junmai Ginjo Aiyama" features a sweet aroma reminiscent of strawberry and apple jam, with a surprisingly fresh and crisp taste.

Discover Your Own Perfect Sake

This list introduces 15 must-try sakes, but there are many more delicious options from these breweries worth exploring. Some sakes may lose their balance over time after opening, due to various factors including koji production and fermentation process. However, sakes from these top-notch breweries, crafted with meticulous attention to every detail, maintain their core strength and can even develop richer flavors with proper refrigeration. While all the sakes listed here are limited productions and might be hard to find due to their exceptional quality, seize any opportunity to try them and find your own "truly delicious sake."
